Product & Material Testing

Chronos highspeed camera systems offer the portability, ease-of-use,and video quality required by Quality Control Departments and R&D Labs looking to test their products.

High-speed Cameras for Product & Material Testing

Chronos highspeed camera systems offer the portability, ease-of-use, and video quality required by Quality Control Departments and R&D Labs looking to test their products.

Product testing is vital to the Quality Control process and capturing the details of drop and impact testing is effectively performed with highspeed cameras. Capture up to 40,000 frames per second (FPS) of video to identify potential areas of failure and improvement.

Observing events in high detail such as product drop testing, and robotic product assembly are some other common ways high-speed cameras are supporting manufacturing and industrial processes.

The all-in-one system includes a robust 5” display and battery pack perfect for portability for quick set up during product testing in a Quality Control department or R&D Lab. The ease-of-use virtually eliminates the learning curve and the affordability is perfect for a department’s budget, so the work remains the focus, not learning to use the camera.


  • Drop Testing
  • Automotive Safety Testing
  • Vibration Analysis
  • Assembly Line Tracking
  • Impact Testing

Some things to consider when choosing a high-speed camera for product and material testing:



What is the duration and speed of the event?
Chronos range from 1,000 - 40,000 FPS / 3-16 seconds of record time

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What is the level of detail required to capture the event?
Chronos range from 1280x1024 to 1920x1080HD max resolution.

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Light Sensitivity

Light Sensitivity

What is the lighting sensitivity/contrast required to capture the event?
Chronos range from ISO 320-16,000 depending upon model and sensor type (color or monochrome).

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Subject Matter

Subject Matter

What is the size and distance from the subject?
Chronos offers a selection of lenses from microscope to 12.5mm-75mm to capture events near or far.

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Which Chronos is Right For You?